Art for sale in Old Airport Road, East Singapore - Classifieds
$ 25
SET-OF-2 pcs AUSPICIOUS "FATT" Singapore $10 No. 318018 & 318008
Selling @$25 this set-of-2 pcs uncirculated, Singapore $10 with AUSPICIOUS "FATT" NUMBERS 318018 and 318008. Visit my...
$ 25
SET-OF-2 pcs Singapore $10 nos. 268 999 and 269 000
Selling @$25 for this set-of-2 pcs uncirculated, NICE NUMBERS 268 999 and 269 000. Visit my profile page for other...
$ 20
SET-OF-2 Banknotes Nos. 07 77 07 and 01 02 01
Selling @$20 for this set-of-2 circulated, NICE NUMBERS 07 77 07 and 01 02 01. Pls note that there's a fold in the...
$ 50
Mix Of World Coins & Banknotes
Listing photo O-N-L-Y for illustration purpose. Price: $50 for the ENTIRE lot listed below. NEGOTIABLE. Actual item...
$ 208
SET-OF-4 Singapore $50 nos. 80 22 XX
Selling @$208 for this set-of-4 pcs NICE NUMBERS, uncirculated $50-banknote with nos: 80 22 20 80 22 40 80 22 44 80...
$ 10
ONE LOT Japan coins
Selling @$10 for this lot of TEN Japan coins. ONE Yen 1 x Showa 40th Year (Year 1965) 1 x Showa 57th Year (Year 1982)...
$ 25
ONE LOT 20-pcs Singapore coins
SELLING one lot of 20pcs 1st & 2nd series Singapore coins @$25, consisting of: $1-coin [17pcs]: 1988 - 1pc 1989 -...
$ 10
Queen Elizabeth 2nd Coins
SET-OF-2 Queen Elizabeth the 2nd coins @$10, comprising: Canada One Dollar Year 1987, and Hong Kong Ten Cents Year...
$ 10
Luxembourgish Franc Banknote
Collector-item: Selling one piece Luxembourgish 100 franc @$10. The franc was in use till Year 2002 when the...
$ 10
ONE LOT German Deutschmarks
3 pcs of one deutschmarks from Year 1974, 1977, 1991 AND 2 pcs of two deutschmarks from Year 1988, 1979. Collectors'...
$ 5
ONE LOT Vietnam Banknotes
Bundle-of-3 circulated Vietnam Dong @$5 ONLY, comprising One pc 10,000 Dong Two pcs 2000 Dong Meet-up only @CC8...
$ 12
3pcs HTT $2 Ship Banknotes
Selling this bundle-of-3 pcs UNCIRCULATED $2 PAPER Singapore Ship series banknotes with HU TSU TAU signature., with...
$ 90
SET-OF-8 Singapore $10 nos. 8899x0
Selling @$90 this bundle-of-EIGHT pcs uncirculated NICE NUMBERS Singapore Portrait series Nos. 8899 10 - 20 - 30 - 40...
$ 30
Mix of World Coins & Banknotes
Listing photo ONLY for illustration purpose. A mix of coins & banknotes @$30, comprising: FIVE pcs German deutschmark...
$ 200
[S-O-L-D] 76pcs LHL Paper $2 Portrait Banknotes
Selling this bundle-of-76 pcs UNCIRCULATED $2 P-A-P-E-R (NOT polymer) Singapore Portrait series banknotes with LEE...
$ 25
SET-OF-2 Singapore $10
Selling @$25 for this set-of-2 pcs uncirculated, NICE NUMBERS: 939222 939229 Visit my profile page for other...
$ 80
Classic Golf Bag with 'Coca Cola' logo
Selling a Classic vintage Golf Sunday canvas Bag with leather strip
Only 1 in the world, See to appreciate.
$ 380
Selling chinese painting
Size: 640 x 1350h
Priced : $380/- each
For more other paintings enquiry can sms me.
$ 688
Selling a Hand Painting (Horses) with frame
size: 620 x 1060H
View at Old Airport Road